Tuesday, November 4, 2008

2008 Election in the Media

The media has had a great influence on the election this year. I am personally glad that the election is over now so i won't have to watch all of the negative attack ads on TV that we are all exposed to daily. We see it everywhere we go...billboards, the internet, TV and even our friends are talking about the ads. People that i have talk to have mentioned that they have never seen a campaign with soo many negative ads. I ask myself What are the reprocussions of this? Do all of these attack ads make people more cinical? Or because we are all so sick of all the negative ads, do we look for anything good that is said during the ads, no matter how small it is? It would be very interesting to sit down in a focus group and ask people how much the ads had affected their decision for who they voted for this year.
I know that it is good to show two sided messages when trying to argue or advocate for something, but have we really been exposed to many two sided messages in the media? I feel that the nature of the political ads have distracted people from what the ads are really trying to say, the message that the campaign is trying to send...to vote for a certain candidate because they are qualified for the job and that they will work for you. All that i can remember from the ads is that all politicians are bad people some who write pornography, take pictures with the president, and hang out with terrorists. I wonder what the campaigns would have been like if just one of the presidential candidates decided not to produce any negative or attack ads and just focused on promoting themselves....or is our view of media so shallow that nobody would appreciate the good nature of the ads?

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