Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Generation Gap?

So i went to The Eagles concert last night with a couple members of my family(mom, dad, grandama, uncle, little sister)....and had a great time! This experience makes me wonder about other families and how the parents/adults and children/young adults get along. Do most parents and children have the same taste in music? How about TV shows? Books? Movies? I feel that the only time that children and their parents spend together is in the car on the way to school, a friends house or to a extracurricular activity. Maybe they spend some time together when one of the kids wants to get some new clothes and needs their parents to fork over a couple hundred dollars to do so.
I am personally glad that my parents would turn on classic rock in the car and make games out of guessing who the artist of a certain song was. I am glad that my parents shared, with me, the kind of music that they loved growing up because when we go to concerts like last night it isn't just a concert but a connection between two very different generations. It sort of gives me some hope that parents and children do have a little bit more in common than we think, and we all just need to make the extra effort once in a while. With my parents and I, the connection was music.

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